Major Sponsors:

Partner Sponsor: $5,000

Partner Sponsors support an individual reading in partnership with the national campaign. Many host groups do not have the resources to obtain a space, hire actors, or fund publicity. That’s where you come in: Partner with a non-profit such as an anti-violence organization or an after-school program to make sure they have what they need.

Benefit: Partners receive space in the program bill for a message or an ad. A Partner may also choose to give a welcoming speech to the audience, and can work with their host group to discuss further involvement and visibility opportunities.

Campaign Sponsor: $10,000

Campaign Sponsors fund the national infrastructure that facilitates both readings and connections between organizations. Support the outreach and publicity campaign necessary to create a network of concerned participants!

Benefit: Campaign Sponsors will be acknowledged in national publicity. In addition, if partnered with a particular venue or group in their community, a Campaign Sponsor will enjoy the benefits of a Partner Sponsor, have the opportunity to distribute materials and speak to the audience.

Lead Sponsor: $25,000

Lead Sponsors give the campaign the security to move quickly ahead, to hire assistants who can increase the scope of outreach, and to expand the range of radio and press contacts. By providing the national infrastructure with a major gift, you join a group of concerned citizens who are working to change the status quo.

Benefit: Lead Sponsors enjoy the benefits of both Partner and Campaign Sponsors. In addition, Lead Sponsors will receive a high level of visibility and acknowledgement in all national and local publicity materials and at every venue, coast-to-coast.



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